Leslie & Khettry (“the Firm”) was established by Late Sreenath Dass Khettry in 1944 in Calcutta (West Bengal, India). Late Sreenath Dass Khettry was a renowned solicitor of Calcutta in his time. He was the legal consultant of choice for industrialists, tea estate owners, shipping industry and merchants of the then-booming jute market in Calcutta. He was also a notary appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England. Late A. A. Leslie, a renowned English solicitor was also associated with the Firm and practised in Calcutta until 1965.

Our Offices


B-1, Kailash Apartments

Lala Lajpat Rai Road 

New Delhi – 110048 

T: +91-11-29240919


Lindlie Chambers

6A, Kiron Shankar Roy Road

Kolkata – 700001

T: + 91-33-22487247


M: +91 9999999136


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We, Leslie & Khettry (hereinafter the “Firm”) are a team of advocates in the Republic of India and own the website by the name and style of (hereinafter the “Website”). We are governed by the regulations prescribed by the Bar Council of India that prohibits solicitation of work and advertisement by advocates in any form or manner whatsoever. Further, the regulations impose certain restrictions on maintenance of a website by advocates.

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The information, content, data, or material (in any form whatsoever) provided in the Website is solely based on the request of the user(s) / visitor(s) and should not be constituted as solicitation, advertisement, publicity, inducement, invitation, or communication of any sort whatsoever whether directly or indirectly by the Firm or any of its team members, associates or staff to engage any work or service(s) from the user(s) / visitor(s) and shall by no means whatsoever create any advocate-client relationship between the Firm or any of its team members or associates and the user(s) / visitor(s) including any existing or previous clients of the Firm or any other person / entity.

The information, content, data, or material (in any form whatsoever) provided in the Website shall not be considered, construed, interpreted, understood or acted upon as legal reference, legal advice, or legal opinion of the Firm or its members or associates in any manner whatsoever and under any circumstances whatsoever. In case of any legal issues faced by the user or visitor, he / she must seek independent assistance from legal practitioner(s).

The Website may contain information, content, data, or material (in any form whatsoever) that is otherwise available on various platforms such as print / online media, internet or social media. User(s) / visitor(s) shall confirm the veracity of any information, content, data, or material (in any form whatsoever) available (or previously available) on the Website independently.

The Firm or any of its team members, associates, or staff shall not be liable or responsible for any reliance that a user / visitor places in any manner whatsoever on any information, content, data, or material (in any form whatsoever) that is available on the Website (including the contents of third party websites to which links may be provided from the Website) and shall not be liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever for any loss or damage in any form whatsoever due to any inaccuracy, incorrectness, timeliness, incompleteness of, exclusion, termination or suspension of any information, content, data, or material (in any form whatsoever) caused by any reason whatsoever including by reason of negligence, error, lapse, omission, accident or otherwise or its interpretation contained in the Website. The Firm or any of its team members, associates, or staff do not and shall not provide / offer warranty, guarantee, undertaking or indemnity of any kind (whether express or implied) for use (in any manner whatsoever including interpretation) of the information, content, data, or material (in any form whatsoever) or for any virus, malware, trojan or such similar programs including any hacking programs contained in the Website or for the loss of or dissemination of confidential or other information, content, data, or material (in any form whatsoever) shared through the Website or sent to an email address or other address contained in the Website.

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The Firm may collect and retain for any period, the following data of the user / visitor to the Website: (a) personal data provided through any forms available on the Website, (b) personal data provided when the user / visitor contacts the Firm; (c) personal data relating to application for an internship, an advocate or staff position at the Firm; and (d) details of visits to the Website, including the volume of traffic received, logs, resources and medium which have been accessed by the user / visitor.

In case of any breach of the above terms / conditions, the Firm, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies available under applicable laws, reserves its right to take appropriate action under applicable laws including seeking of damages against / from the party in breach. The Firm reserves the right to amend the above terms / conditions at any time and in any manner whatsoever without requirement of any notice.