Leslie & Khettry (“the Firm”) was established by Late Sreenath Dass Khettry in 1944 in Calcutta (West Bengal, India). Late Sreenath Dass Khettry was a renowned solicitor of Calcutta in his time. He was the legal consultant of choice for industrialists, tea estate owners, shipping industry and merchants of the then-booming jute market in Calcutta. He was also a notary appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England. Late A. A. Leslie, a renowned English solicitor was also associated with the Firm and practised in Calcutta until 1965.
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Our Offices
B-1, Kailash Apartments
Lala Lajpat Rai Road
New Delhi – 110048
T: +91-11-29240919
Lindlie Chambers
6A, Kiron Shankar Roy Road
Kolkata – 700001
T: + 91-33-22487247
E: contact@leslieandkhettry.com
M: +91 9999999136